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更新时间:2025-01-08 23:12 阅读量:130

玛利亚 金雅中的歌词大意?

美女的烦恼里歌曲玛利亚的歌词 喂 从现在开始 再热情一点 Oh~别害怕 展现在眼前的 是阳光普照的光明大道 OH~绝对不要停下脚步 Maria~ Ave maria~ 小编要飞到白云的边际 Maria~ Ave maria~ 狂风暴浪也阻挡不了小编 奇迹就这样 在你眼前出现 OH~绝对不要停下脚步 Maria~ Ave maria~ 小编要飞到白云的边际 Maria~ Ave maria~ 狂风暴浪也阻挡不了小编 Maria~ 原本整个停止跳动的心脏 又势不可档地跳动起来了 Maria~ Ave maria~ 小编要飞到白云的边际 Maria~ Ave maria~ 狂风暴浪也阻挡不了小编 Maria~ Ave maria~ 小编要飞到白云的边际 Maria~ Ave maria~ 狂风暴浪也阻挡不了小编


? ? ?



? ?

? ? ? ?

Oh~? ?

Maria~ Ave maria~


? ? ?~


喂 从现在开始













Mariah Carey - H.A.T.E.U / Hate U 怀恨而爱 Once upon a time we swore not to say goodbye 曾有一时 小编们共同发誓永不分离 Something got a hold of us and we changed 然而天意弄人 随后小编们就改变了心思 And then you sat alone in pride and I sat at home and cried 直至如今 你踟蹰于所谓的尊严 而小编只留坐在家里默默哭泣 How'd our fairy tale just end up this way 小编们童话般的爱情真的就要这样收场了吗 We went round for round till we knocked love out 久久徘徊 直至忍痛分手 We were laying in the ring not making a sound 无语凝噎 谁都不忍点明 And if that's a metaphor of you and I 如果小编的爱情已经发展成这样 Why is it so hard to say goodbye 为何一句"再见"又如此难以出口 I can't wait to hate you make you pain like I do 小编按捺不住心存嫉恨 想让你也感受小编所感受的痛苦 Still can't shake you off 你可知小编还是无法将你释怀 I can't wait to break through these emotional changes 小编希望自己可以走出情感的阴霾 Seems like such a lost cause 但是一切尝试都像是在徒劳 I can't wait to face you break you down 因为小编总是难耐思念 想与你相遇 打破僵局 (也可"打破你所谓的尊严") So low there's no place left to go 小编情绪低落到无处落脚 I can't wait to hate you... 小编真是恨不得又爱不得 Ooh this was the love phenomenon no one could explain 唉 也许这种情感没人能解释清楚 And I wish I could press reset and feel that feeling again 多么希望爱情可以按下"重放"键 再次感受那种温暖 I sit and press rewind and watch us every night 小编会静静地坐下 按下"重放" 每夜回味那遗失的美好 Wanna pause it but I cant make you stay 按下"暂停" 虽然定格了画面 却无法将你留下 Just gotta let it play 按下"播放" 不能自已的上瘾 沉醉于虚幻的回忆 We went round for round till we knocked love out We were laying in the ring not making a sound And if that's a metaphor of you and I Why is it so hard to say goodbye I can't wait to hate you make you pain like I do Still can't shake you off I can't wait to break through these emotional changes Seems like such a lost cause I can't wait to face you break you down So low there's no place left to go I can't wait to hate you No need to call my phone 没有必要再说什么了 Because I changed my number today 小编已经换了电话号码 Matter fact I think I'm movin' away 事实上小编连家都搬了 Sorry the frustration's got me feeling a way 只有这样才能让小编躲避感情上的挫败感 And I just keep havin' one last thing to say 小编想说的只有这简简单单的最后一件事 And I just wanna hold you, touch you, 那就是小编依旧想拥抱你 触摸你 Feel you, be near you 接近你 感受到你的存在 I miss you baby baby baby 你可知小编还是这般的难以将你释怀 I'm tired of tryin to fake through 小编厌倦了装作不在乎 But there's nothing I can do 但小编又毫无头绪该如何是好 Boy I can't wait to hate you 是你让小编如此纠结 小编恨你